Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day of the Mage (part 2)

Day of the Mage
(part 2)

The ranger kneels down low
while he inspects the ground
He is at the dividing point
where the green turns to brown

The tracker locates the cabin
All but over-grown in the pines
Stealthily he monitors the area
All the while picking up signs

Inside the old cabin
Oil light flickers orange and red
The mage is engrossed in script
His minion gnaws the last heel of bread

The ranger learns enough of the evil
Now it's time to take flight
Dark clouds form over head
He mounts up, and rides into the night

The journey proves sluggish
Very little light on the road
The weight of the heavens upon him
So heavy, the load

Two days travel
The outpost now in view
A fresh bed will do him good
And so will a brew

Some coins are exchanged
A bed his until dawn
Walking down to the tavern
Contemplating the mage and his pawn

A shady character makes his way in
Sword pommel sparkles like fire
Rendezvous a necessity
With news as such, so dire
(end part 2)


�mental elf: 2006
�All copyrights remains with the author

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